Monday, April 11, 2016



Mondays for me is nothing but intense housework. The day I organize all that is wrong and make it right. It's a day that shows me just how full our previous week or weekend has been. The laundry pile is daunting, the closets are jammed, the tupperware cupboard empty and the dishwasher is full.

As soon as the children were on the bus this morning I poured myself a cup of tea and went back up to my big old comfy blue chair and began to read the Word. I was reading in 1 Timothy where Paul was encouraging his son in the faith. Today as I was cleaning and going through the children's room it took me down a trail of memories from their previous week. I kept pondering certain portions of the book of Timothy as I was cleaning, drawing parallels and desiring to be a mother that encourages and sees those areas in my children's lives where they may need rearing, encouragement or to be realigned.

Here's another fresh start to a new week of memories....
As I cleaned today I learned so much more about my children. I learned what clothes they liked by looking at the overflowing hampers. I learned which ones they didn't like by finding them shoved behind toy boxes. I saw remnants of school snacks in empty tupperware containers which made me realize which snacks they devoured and loved, and I saw soggy cucumbers under a desk which made me aware that cucumbers were not my sons preference.  I saw a card made for a friend who had recently moved away and my daughters heart poured out so much love on it sharing how much she missed their dear family. I pulled a scrap paper out of the vacuum and saw a written note that said " I'm sad because..." and listed all the things one child was sad about that day. I'm thankful I got a glimpse of what was on her heart.  I saw prayer lists with friends, family and desires of their little hearts written on them. I saw bookmarks in certain passages in their bibles and books which showed me what they loved to read and what they were spending their time on. I found endless amounts of paper airplanes all over my one sons room. They were different sizes, shapes and colours which showed me he was eager to create and design, making each creation better than the first. I saw my lipgloss nicely snug in my daughters bucket. It must be the one she thinks looks best on her mommy so she wanted to try it too. So many times as moms we rush through cleaning because it's just one more thing on our list that needs to be done in order to keep things running smoothly. But I'm here to encourage you when you're cleaning be thankful and try to remember the memories that were made by these messes. Remember the ones you're picking up after or preparing for were little ones you once cried out for.  In the hustle, bustle and busyness of your days be thankful for the glimpses of hidden treasures, cucumbers, airplanes and more that remind you and show you a little more about the little people you've been entrusted with.

- Monday Mom....

(And yes, if you're wondering, my children are responsible for cleaning their rooms but every Monday is the good old Mom purge and clean!)