Friday, July 1, 2016

Today I am thankful that although Canada may have it's flaws, it's bringing healing to the nations....

Oh Canada,

Throughout the day I've watched and seen fellow Canadians posting pictures of their families and friends as they gather together to celebrate the freedom and great country we are blessed to call home, Canada.

This past winter God confirmed in our hearts to run a community soccer league in the spring and summer. The league would be for Canadian newcomers and children in our church community who wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to play in an organized soccer league. Through many roadblocks but many, many more miracles this league came to fruition. I'm thankful for my co-workers, community partners and our church family for making this dream a reality for 60 Canadian children. Continually laying the vision and the needs before The Lord, He has met each need this far. Uniforms, equipment, coaches, volunteers, snacks, water, team pictures and whatever else we have needed and desired God has made a way!  

Each week we are surrounded with some amazing up and coming athletes. Some were born in Canada but majority of these children  were relocated to Canada because of crisis in their homeland. As I look across the fields each week the beauty in the diversity of these children is breathtaking. Children from Nepal, Uganda, Rwanda, India, Korea, Syria, Iraq, Jamaica, Qatar, Bhutan and so many more, fill these fields. 

Weekly, my eyes well up as I hear another parent try to translate their story. I am amazed at their courage and bravery and feel honoured to be able to speak into their lives.  These children have witnessed and experienced tremendous heartbreak. Many have fled to Canada recently and have had to leave loved ones behind. Some are now fatherless. Some have witnessed their families being murdered. Many have lived in refugee camps before ever experiencing real freedom. A handful of players knew only a few english words their first week of playing causing their anxieties to be high, only to realize their coaches were filled with the Love of Christ causing them to feel loved, accepted and at peace. 

Today I am thankful for a country that has opened its arms to the hurting. I am thankful for a country that has opened it's arms to those who are at risk. I am thankful that God has placed these children on our paths and that as much love as we give out, they give right back.  I'm thankful that through so much loss and tremendous heartaches these children have faced that as they run the fields each week they still have the ability to laugh and smile! Their little faces light up as they play in thanksgiving for the opportunity to wear a real jersey and to play a sport they love, in a fun, safe environment. And I'm super thankful these children are not only being cheered on by their families and coaches but by their fellow teammates who resemble the nations of the world. 

Today I am thankful that although Canada may have it's flaws,  it's bringing healing to the nations.... 

Oh Canada...

In the wintery months I was sitting in a staff meeting and after reviewing community surveys we were made aware of growing desires of needs in our community. One need in particular got me a little fiery as it was shared as it seemed easy enough to get going. The more passionate I began to get in talking about it, my co-workers laughed and said, 'You could do this!' I laughed but having a full plate...I thought about it, but left it. Each time I had thought about it, I prayed but didn't move on it. A few weeks later out of the blue my boss asked if I'd given it anymore thought... to which I laughed and said I would talk it over with my husband. After sharing it with him again, we believed it was something we were to run with but knew we couldn't do it alone. So the following Sunday we cast the vision to our congregation and they rallied around the vision offering to serve where needed. After many cold calls approaching businesses, potential sponsors and sporting stores...we launched a community soccer program, KICKS SOCCER. This program would target Canadian newcomers and families who typically wouldn't have the opportunity to play the sport in an organized setting. Coaches signed up, referees volunteered, schools leant out equipment...we were well on our way.  Initially we were seeking 5 sponsors to help cover the cost of the league. A friend and I cast the vision before many community businesses. We were so full of faith, who wouldn't want to participate in this program?! We approached WELL over 25 businesses and ended up with two. Being short financially we gathered together to pray and believed God would cover the lack... as we knew this was something we were to do.  Sure enough, our unfailing God provided. Each child was given a jersey, soccer socks and shin pads. Each student was placed on a teams where coaches have been leading them in weekly skills, games and more importantly devotions sharing the love of Christ with them. We have declared over this program that this wouldn't just be a fruitful season, but that there would be evident FRUIT THAT REMAINS!
Two weeks into the program I had the opportunity to share briefly about what God was doing at a community meeting. I shared about God answering our prayers and providing coaches, volunteers, equipment, referees and so much more! One community volunteer wanted to jump on board so took the vision of it back to her church as they'd desired to get involved in the community but were unsure how! So they have jumped on board providing the weekly snack.  Thank you God for meeting another need! This older congregation has been such a blessing to these young athletes!

Our first week of playing I had one girl say she wasn't going to come because she wasn't good. We encouraged her to come as this is where she would learn the sport. She said, 'No!" I said, if you score I'll take you for ice cream!'  She said, 'What if I don't score tonight?" To which I replied, "If you score anytime during the season I will take you for ice-cream to celebrate'. Well, as I was overseeing both fields on that first night I heard someone running towards me calling my name, this young girl had scored, not one but TWO goals in her first game. She said 'You know what that means? I get two ice creams!!' So the next week our family, her coaches and a few other people went to DQ and celebrated this young girls accomplishments and determination on the field.

This past week one of my favourite students wasn't with her team. I had her number so called her to see where she was. She answered and was upset and said she wasn't coming as she couldn't find her socks and shin pads. She said she had looked all over several times and couldn't find them anywhere. I told her to come anyways, but she wouldn't without her full uniform. After 5 minutes of trying to persuade her to come, I said,' Pray, ask God to show you where they are.' She said, WHAT? I said pray, and ask God to show you where your socks are!' She said ok and hung up on me. Sure enough, two minutes later she was on the phone and said, 'I am coming, I prayed and God showed me where my socks where!!' Praise the Lord! God was showing himself to this young girl.

So why am I writing this... why am I sharing about this soccer program. First of all I am thankful on this Canada Day that we have the freedom to talk about Jesus Christ in our country. I am thankful our nation has been founded on The Word of God. I am thankful that we can proclaim that He shall have dominion from sea to sea.

Secondly, I am thankful that I don't need to travel around the world to experience every culture. I am thankful for a country that embraces the hurting, the at risk and the impoverished and we don’t leave them there but we champion to be all God has called them to be.
I'm thankful that KICKS Soccer has several families from not only Canada but newcomers from Napal, Syria, South Africa, Nigeria, Jamaica, India, Rwanda, Uganda, Vietnam, Korea, India and so many more countries. I am thankful that their families have embraced us and have fallen in love with us just as we have fallen in love with them. Today I am thankful that Canada is a generous country. A loving country, and blessed country.