Monday, October 27, 2008


He calls, He wills, He designs, He plans. 

We listen or we turn our ear.
We choose His or we walk away.
We walk in faith or run in fear.
We fulfill or we are unfulfilled.

God has a purpose and plan for each and everyone of us. For each and every person that ever walked the face of the earth. God purposed and planned destiny in each their lives. His plan wasn't one of failure, it wasn't one of destruction. He planned and purposed us all to bring Glory to His name.  Are you walking in what He's purposed you for?

Some of us are called to work with children, some with the homeless, some to preach the good news of Jesus on foreign soil, some to the market place.  Where are you called? What is your purpose? Don't think you don't have one, if you are a living being you were created and designed with purpose. Pray about what and where the Lord has called and purposed you for. Then when He's been faithful to reveal it to you, start walking in it. 

Jeremiah 29:11-13