Often times the church looks at the Pastor the associates or other key leaders and we have the expectation that they should be reaching and teaching everyone in their congregation or group. Although that is partially what they do, we the believers are called to disciple those around us.
The importance of spreading the gospel is HUGE, but the importance of finding those who have surrendered their lives and really discipling them is greater. It's great to see someone accept Christ, but even greater to see them get the full understanding of who He is and to see them start walking out the plans and purposes of God in their lives.
I've challenged my "Ladies'' group to really seek after who it is that God has put in their path to disciple and to start walking that out. Often times when we think of discipling or mentoring we get intimidated by it. It's become a phrase that we think only certain people with titles can do, but as followers of Christ we are called to GO and MAKE disciples. "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19, 20"
We often see people come to know Christ and fall to the wayside and assume someone else didn't do the job of training them. But we as individuals need to take on discipling others as OUR responsibility. We need to be discipling those God puts in our paths. Like it says in Matthew...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Christ has given us a lot of amazing promises, but unless we know them or impart them into those who don't know, we won't we walk or ever understand the fullness we can have in Him. When you look across your congregation, or in your circle of friends and family and you see someone who needs some help along the way, don't wait for someone else to come along to help them because no one ever may, maybe that person is waiting for you.
When I sit back and think of the people, mentors and teachers I've had in my life, I am totally thankful many of them over the years have taken me under their wing. Through their testimonies, truths and lives I have been radically challenged and at many times spurred on. I've been encouraged in those low times, I've been steered in those over zealous times, and I've been accountable to someone who has cared.
So I challenge you if you aren't already discipling someone pray and seek the Lord on who it is He'd like you to invest into. Often times they are the ones right in front of us.
If you are new to this walk with Christ and need some discipling don't hesitate to ask or approach someone to teach you, train you and keep you accountable. If you sit at someone's feet now and learn His teachings it won't be long before you'll be investing into others the very thing that's been invested into you.
It's an exciting thing to invest into lives and to see them changed for His glory!