Well here I am, as I sit here waiting for our littlest one to surrender for the night, I am pondering and thinking on all that God has really laid on my heart the last few weeks.
God has really been doing some "REAL DEAL" things in my life. Finding out who and what is the real deal. Searching hearts and motives, in my own life as well as in others. Finding out whose really in it for HIM, and whose really in it for themselves. Not really looking at others but really searching deep within myself to make sure all I am, all I do, and all I live for is the One I am living for.
As I was bathing the babe tonight, I was overwhelmed with the thought of "How many people are receiving their crowns now?" "The Glory, the Honour and Fame" How many are receiving their treasures now? Although the Lord has been speaking to me about things that kind of align with this, this saying got me to stop and think. How many ministries or lives are drawing more attention to themselves than to God. It caused me to stop and really seek Him. "God I don't want to receive my crowns here. I want to receive them in your presence, I want to throw them at your feet when I come face to face with you. I want my work and live here to bring Glory, Honour and Fame to You and You alone. I want and deeply desire for you to be exalted and followed...not man"
We watched an awesome movie last night "SECOND CHANCE" that really captures my hearts desire. To really do His work, no matter where it is. Whether it in the ghetto, to the homeless, to the rejected...I will work wherever and with whomever He's called me to.
I challenge you too, to not get caught up with the titles, positions, don't go looking for praise among man. Serve Him with all your heart with all you have. Then when the time comes you'll be thankful He was taking notice of you the whole time! You'll have much to show for it, in His presence as you cast your many crowns at His feet.