Thursday, March 3, 2011

Embracing the Process

My days are filled. Filled with laughing, laundry, cooking, children, crafts, coffee dates and more. Each morning when I wake, I curl up on the couch with a hot cup of tea & my bible. I seek the Lord for guidance, peace and direction for the day. I ask Him to show me things throughout the day. Somedays, what He shows me is more clear than other days. For my Father in Laws 60th, I was desiring to get a unique picture of the children taken and blown up for him. So, one afternoon as the warm sun beat into the living room, it drew me to the window. The rays were bouncing off the a freshly laid sheet of snow, I thought..this is it! I called to the children and said "It's go time! Brush your hair & teeth and put something clean on". We whipped out the door and drove to the destination I'd previously envisioned. We drove down a long icy path only to see a HUGE gate across the property, with a 'CLOSED' sign on the gate. The park was closed for the winter. I sighed as we turned the big ol' van around and said, 'Keep your eyes open for anything, anything that looks like it would be a great back drop for the picture." The sun was going down, so my mind was racing on where to go next. Then it came to me, there's a gorgeous old barn by my parents place that I've so desired to use in a shoot. As the non-stop on-coming traffic was coming, we could see the barn, it was perfect! I pulled the van into the lot and we were stopped by a rickety old wire fence. It was marked 'NO TRESPASSING'. This barn was abandoned! Surely it was no biggie! The pictures of what could be, was racing through my head. Then... I saw an opening in the gate, someone had gone before us and cut us a way. Thank you Lord, provision, surely He had cut the path?! I said, "Do you think we can fit through that opening?" to the children. As the words left my mouth, I felt convicted. No trespassing meant no trespassing, and my two oldest children confirmed that with a 'Mom, we can't do that, it's not right.' Instantly frustrated and annoyed we got back on the road. Two for two! We were now stuck in traffic and were headed to an out of town park. It has an incredible little bridge, it would be perfect, we could make it work! The sun was going down, but there was still more than enough light for a great shot. The children filed out of the van in suit. Although, by now it was close to dinner time and they were hungry! I had a mission and their hunger and fatigue was not going to cramp my style. I'd promised donuts to all those who were compliant... but to no avail. They didn't see the vision I had seen, they hadn't pictured what I had pictured. I didn't get one frame. Not one photo. Our two oldest and youngest smiled throughout all of the shots, but our other two couldnt' be encouraged, couldn't bare it. They cried. They had the big ol' crocodile tears just a flowing! After trying to snap through the tears, we left the park. I was now hungry, upset and wanted to cry. NO DONUTS was declared, as I buckled my belt. As we were driving home, my oldest daughter knew I was frustrated. We now had no present for Grandpa and no chocolate covered donuts. We continued driving and I saw something blue out of the corner of my eye... it was a big rusty old blue garbage bin. It was dirty, it had garbage billowing out of the top and graffiti all over the side of it. I said, ' you think we could use that?' Without much time for response I cranked the wheel and headed left towards it. We had one more chance! We pulled over on the side of the busy road, and again we filed out of the van. The Tim Hortons across the road kept their eyes on the prize this time! 'Smiling = Donuts', repeat 'Smiling = Donuts'! The only thing that kept us from the bin was a small stream. Obviously frozen as we live in Canada, I put our youngest in my arms, camera around my neck and walked across, and instantly the ice broke and I was ankle deep in what I would describe as a thick brown grossness! The other children were standing on the bank, thinking I'd obviously can the whole thing... but I couldn't we'd come to far, we'd gone through to much! A picture is what we were after and a picture we would retrieve! So, before they even thought about doing a 180, I said, I'm already here, make a run for it! With the enthusiasm in my voice, they knew there was no choice. Trench foot for everyone! So, one by one they ventured across. With dancing donuts racing through their heads, they smiled, they complied ...only for a few moments, but for enough to put handles on the vision I had originally seen. It may have looked different, but the idea, the concept... a picture of dear grandchildren was captured!
I was reminded by the Lord that sometimes what we envision isn't always as attainable as we think. There's a process, not one many are willing to take. There are road blocks. There are situations we come to where we could do the easy thing, but it doesn't mean it's the right thing. We share the vision and some of the ones that surround us seem on board until there's inconvenience. Some may growl over their glasses, cry and complain.

Sometimes we, or others around us are easily distracted. The process at times seems almost unbearable. At times, no matter what the prize we can loose focus. We loose focus of the 'what could have been' or 'what is to be', because of our selfishness. Us wanting to do our own thing, not willing to be compliant or be obedient.

But I'm encouraging you, to embrace the process! Don't give up on yourself! Don't give up just because those around you may not be seeing what you see! Press on, persevere and don't lose focus! If He's given you the vision, He will walk through the process with you, seeing it to completion! Amen!
Galations 6:9 says 'So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.'

Often times He takes the Gross situations and turns them into pictures of perfection! The garbage heap, the grossness... it's all used for His glory, He'll find the beauty in it!

So, if you want to hear more from the Lord, ask Him to speak to you through your situations, you'll be amazed at what He shows you!