Well friends, Here it is, an incredibly juicy note!
I sent a message out last week to most of the people that surround me each week at church.
This is what it said :
I'm wondering if you can take a minute and send me a one liner on where you were before you met Christ, and if you want, you can add where you are now too.
One by one the responses came in. I read in awe, in amazement..... I wept as I read the one liners. The things these people have faced. These precious people are not only our congregants, most have become close friends. Their faces sit around our kitchen table and are welcomed into our home. They are people we laugh hysterically with, cry with and do life with. They are from all walks of life and have faced different levels of brokenness. These precious people look like you, these people look like me. Some are young families, students, businessmen & woman, tradesmen, entrepreneurs, stay at home moms, grandmothers, community leaders, single moms...and more. You'll find it interesting when you read the first list, that most people in these situations think they wouldn't be welcomed or worthy to walk into church....
Here are the responses I got for the 'Where were you before Christ'.
I sent a message out last week to most of the people that surround me each week at church.
This is what it said :
I'm wondering if you can take a minute and send me a one liner on where you were before you met Christ, and if you want, you can add where you are now too.
One by one the responses came in. I read in awe, in amazement..... I wept as I read the one liners. The things these people have faced. These precious people are not only our congregants, most have become close friends. Their faces sit around our kitchen table and are welcomed into our home. They are people we laugh hysterically with, cry with and do life with. They are from all walks of life and have faced different levels of brokenness. These precious people look like you, these people look like me. Some are young families, students, businessmen & woman, tradesmen, entrepreneurs, stay at home moms, grandmothers, community leaders, single moms...and more. You'll find it interesting when you read the first list, that most people in these situations think they wouldn't be welcomed or worthy to walk into church....
Here are the responses I got for the 'Where were you before Christ'.
- suicidal
- always needed to be in a relationship
- empty
- depressed
- alcoholic
- I was normal, just had no relationship with God. If I talked to Him it was me talking to Him, one way.
- Dabbled with Homosexuality
- Deceptive
- Living with no purpose
- Trapped
- Always felt alone and empty
- Angry
- Living life... but not in fullness
- Impulsive
- Hopeless
- Slave to whatever grabbed my attention
- Felt worthless unless I had a man to take care of me.
- Scared to be alone
- Up the creek with no paddle
- Shame
- Anorexic
- Manipulative
- Abused
- Fornicator
- Physically Abused
- Always loved God, but didn't allow Him to lead my life.
- Forced into childhood sex trafficking
- Rock bottom, future teen mom
- Adulterer
- Pot head - all day everyday
- Avoided family and friends
- Abusive
- Lonely
- Drug Addict
- Looking for the next party
- I can't remember anything other than always knowing Christ
- Insecure
- Prideful
- Bound
- Unworthy
- Looked good on the exterior but hollow/empty on the inside.
WOW!! After reading that list I can't help but think of the scripture in Matthew, when the religious leaders were looking at Jesus in disgust when they saw him sitting with sinners...
Jesus responded to them “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.” Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices. For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”
Jesus responded to them “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.” Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices. For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”
Amen!! He didn't come to shame sinners, but to save them! God loves you, God loves me. No matter what we've faced, what we've gone through...
Now, here's the best part! The above responses are before our people encountered Christ.
The ones below are their livesNOW... AFTER coming to know Jesus Christ!
The ones below are their livesNOW... AFTER coming to know Jesus Christ!
BE AWARE : As I read these I jumped up out of my chair..LITERALLY, shouting AMEN, Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus, I laughed, I cried...I shouted time after time. We SERVE A LIFE TRANSFORMING GOD!!! He is ALIVE and well and changing us from GLORY TO GLORY!!
- I dont' feel alone anymore
- I don't need anyone but Jesus
- He healed me.
- I can forgive
- Redeemed
- Faith
- I'm not alone anymore, EVER!!
- Loved
- Walking with Purpose
- He talks to me.
- God wants relationship with me. He loves me!
- Chosen
- Our marriage is healed
- Thankful
- Joy
- Drug & Alcohol FREE!
- Have a purpose and focus in life
- Blessed in such a short time
- Guilt free
- Loved
- Grateful
Come on...this has to excite you!?! This has to make your eyes well with tears. If you know Christ, you know what I'm talking about. If you don't... you're eyes are welling because you desire it. Deep down you long for it. You desire more....you may not be sure what it is you're looking for, but there's a void. The void will always be there until you encounter Jesus Christ. Whether your life is messy or you're living a normal life... He's gives life MORE abundantly...to the FULLEST!
Don't buy the lie : Church IS NOT for the perfect.... it's for those He's desiring to make in His perfect image. Only He can change you buy the power of His Spirit!
I'd love to invite you to THE SANCTUARY. It's not the only great church in London, but it's my favourite! (ha!)
You won't fall asleep, you won't be bored! It's one of my favourite places to be! There's nothing like getting together with a group of people whose lives have been saved...literally! That's something to sing about & shout about!
Please, if you have questions about this...call me, email me...or cry out to God!! He can radically change your life, yes even yours! Look at the lives that have been transformed in such a short time!
I'd like to invite you to our church tomorrow morning. Sunday 10:30am. 1251 Huron Street. (The right hand side of the Dollarama Plaza, beside the Daisy Mart)