For those of you who know me, you know that I have a competitive edge and love a good challenge. Well today I put my body to the ultimate test! I participated in the 'Spartan Race', with my husband and friends.
This year without notice, Spartan changed locations. Last year this race included a lot of running and obstacles. This year was different, the race was held on massive ski slopes. The race consisted of us doing an obstacle, climbing a massive ski hill, (and I mean MASSIVE ski hill), catching our breath, allowing our bodies to adapt to the elevation level, running back down the steep hill, doing an intense obstacle, than repeating this over, and over, and over again. #BRUTAL
Although the obstacles were difficult, believe it or not they were not the hardest part. Going up the massively long, steep hills were. I have NEVER in all my athletics experienced something so tough. My muscles were aching from these hills. Many who have done the Tough Mudder, (another obstacle race) said the Spartan course this year, although shorter was way more intense because of the ski hills.
There were a few times on these ridiculous hills that a couple of us were lagging a few steps behind. So those on our team who were a little more fit, turned around grabbed our hands and pulled and helped us up. They didn't yell, run past, or mock us. They ensured we did this together. Our team was at all different levels and one specifically had way more training than the rest of us. That didn't matter to him, he was an incredible encourager. He could have blown right by the rest of us, but he didn't. What mattered to him was that no one was left behind. That we did this together, as a team. Those who were stronger lifted, pushed, encouraged, pulled and cheered our team on....even when there seemed to be little to cheer for. Whether it was pulling up hills, propping over walls, holding muddy nets, we were in this together!
I was thinking on the scripture in Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10 "For two are better than one because they have good return for their labour, if either of them falls down the other one can help them up. But pity a man who falls and has no one to help him up."
There were many we passed on the hills that had no one to help them, no one to encourage them. Some of them sat off on the side of the hills looking utterly defeated. The way down was to steep and dangerous for them to exit, and the way up looked impossible. They needed a friend, an encourager, a helper....yet there was no one around.
I'm so proud of our team. Not because we were first, but because we finished, together. There were some obstacles the guys conquered and I did not, there was one I conquered and not all the men did! I celebrated my success while cheering on my teammates for their amazing efforts, and for the next challenge the encouragement was returned!
This reminds me of our walk with Christ.
When we start on our journey with Christ, we think it's going to be easy. That, yeah sure they'll be bumps in the road, but overall it will be a walk in the park. He didn't promise our road would be easy, He promised He'd never leave us! This race didn't look like what I signed up for. Believe me, had I known what was ahead of me, I wouldn't have signed up. I never would have participated because the road ahead would have been more than I thought I could have handled. But I'm so thankful I didn't have to do it alone. I'm also thankful I didn't fully know what I was getting into. If I had, I never would have started, finished, or received my medal.
This isn't about us, about our ministry, about our fame....this is about our Saviour! When one is struggling, we, as the body of Christ, rally around them, encourage them, and help them make it to the next lag in their journey. When one is doing amazing in their walk, that we would celebrate with them.
Yes, in our walk there will be bruises, bumps, hurts, and abandonments, but don't grow weary in well doing! Finish the race. Finish the race the Lord has laid before you. There will be times in your life you'll be there to extend a hand. Your hands are needed to help cheer, pull, climb and push others. You'll never know what one pull, or one word of encouragement may do for a brother or sister. With a hand extended or one small word of encouragement you may help a brother or sister on the sideline, not knowing they are ready to give up. And when you're that one on the sideline about to give up, don't embarrassed! When you need help or encouragement cry out, "this is TOUGH! I need a hand!" Don't try to do it alone, if you do eventually you'll find yourself alone, in despair sitting on the sidelines.... without anyone to encourage or help you.
I can't express to you the joy I felt as I ran over the last obstacle. As I saw the fire
pit and was ready to leap over it, there was such a rush! As my eyes fixed on the finish line, and I finally saw the faces at the end cheering us on, I was pumped! I saw them standing there with MY medal, with OUR medals in hand! We did it, together!! My smile went from ear to ear knowing the pain, the suffering and the overbearing obstacles were done! We finished and conquered that which was laid before us! WOW! What a rush!!
This is only a glimpse of our faith walk. All the trails, tests, victories and disappointments will be minimal when we hear those words from our loving Saviour, We'll done thy good and faithful servant." Every bit of it will be worth it! Don't give up! Keep fighting the good fight of faith!
You're not in this alone, we are in this together! We are here to fight, to conquer, to help, to push and to champion one another to be all the Lord has called us to be! To help one another finish the tasks that He's laid out for us. Be that voice of encouragement, extend that arm!!
The feeling of doing it together, is so much greater than the feeling of doing it alone!
Thanks to my awesome teammates, I literally couldn't have done it with out you! xo
This year without notice, Spartan changed locations. Last year this race included a lot of running and obstacles. This year was different, the race was held on massive ski slopes. The race consisted of us doing an obstacle, climbing a massive ski hill, (and I mean MASSIVE ski hill), catching our breath, allowing our bodies to adapt to the elevation level, running back down the steep hill, doing an intense obstacle, than repeating this over, and over, and over again. #BRUTAL
Although the obstacles were difficult, believe it or not they were not the hardest part. Going up the massively long, steep hills were. I have NEVER in all my athletics experienced something so tough. My muscles were aching from these hills. Many who have done the Tough Mudder, (another obstacle race) said the Spartan course this year, although shorter was way more intense because of the ski hills.
There were a few times on these ridiculous hills that a couple of us were lagging a few steps behind. So those on our team who were a little more fit, turned around grabbed our hands and pulled and helped us up. They didn't yell, run past, or mock us. They ensured we did this together. Our team was at all different levels and one specifically had way more training than the rest of us. That didn't matter to him, he was an incredible encourager. He could have blown right by the rest of us, but he didn't. What mattered to him was that no one was left behind. That we did this together, as a team. Those who were stronger lifted, pushed, encouraged, pulled and cheered our team on....even when there seemed to be little to cheer for. Whether it was pulling up hills, propping over walls, holding muddy nets, we were in this together!
I was thinking on the scripture in Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10 "For two are better than one because they have good return for their labour, if either of them falls down the other one can help them up. But pity a man who falls and has no one to help him up."
There were many we passed on the hills that had no one to help them, no one to encourage them. Some of them sat off on the side of the hills looking utterly defeated. The way down was to steep and dangerous for them to exit, and the way up looked impossible. They needed a friend, an encourager, a helper....yet there was no one around.
I'm so proud of our team. Not because we were first, but because we finished, together. There were some obstacles the guys conquered and I did not, there was one I conquered and not all the men did! I celebrated my success while cheering on my teammates for their amazing efforts, and for the next challenge the encouragement was returned!
This reminds me of our walk with Christ.
When we start on our journey with Christ, we think it's going to be easy. That, yeah sure they'll be bumps in the road, but overall it will be a walk in the park. He didn't promise our road would be easy, He promised He'd never leave us! This race didn't look like what I signed up for. Believe me, had I known what was ahead of me, I wouldn't have signed up. I never would have participated because the road ahead would have been more than I thought I could have handled. But I'm so thankful I didn't have to do it alone. I'm also thankful I didn't fully know what I was getting into. If I had, I never would have started, finished, or received my medal.
This race wasn't about who came first, it was about finishing. Our faith walk isn't a competition with our brothers and sisters. It's about working with our brothers and sisters and finishing what He's called us to do. My success isn't your failure, just as your success isn't mine. We celebrate and mourn with those around us. This race wasn't about how fit we looked on the outside, but the stamina and endurance we had on the inside. This race wasn't about pushing past people to finish. It was about working together to make sure everyone finished, no one is left behind.
This isn't about us, about our ministry, about our fame....this is about our Saviour! When one is struggling, we, as the body of Christ, rally around them, encourage them, and help them make it to the next lag in their journey. When one is doing amazing in their walk, that we would celebrate with them.

I can't express to you the joy I felt as I ran over the last obstacle. As I saw the fire
pit and was ready to leap over it, there was such a rush! As my eyes fixed on the finish line, and I finally saw the faces at the end cheering us on, I was pumped! I saw them standing there with MY medal, with OUR medals in hand! We did it, together!! My smile went from ear to ear knowing the pain, the suffering and the overbearing obstacles were done! We finished and conquered that which was laid before us! WOW! What a rush!!
This is only a glimpse of our faith walk. All the trails, tests, victories and disappointments will be minimal when we hear those words from our loving Saviour, We'll done thy good and faithful servant." Every bit of it will be worth it! Don't give up! Keep fighting the good fight of faith!
You're not in this alone, we are in this together! We are here to fight, to conquer, to help, to push and to champion one another to be all the Lord has called us to be! To help one another finish the tasks that He's laid out for us. Be that voice of encouragement, extend that arm!!
The feeling of doing it together, is so much greater than the feeling of doing it alone!
Thanks to my awesome teammates, I literally couldn't have done it with out you! xo