Two days went by and our youngest daughter as eager as could be pulled the island stool over to the windowsill, grabbed her buddy and gave it another drink.
A few days went by again and day after day, nothing. Not one sprout. She wasn't discouraged in the least but was full of anticipation for what was to come. So again, she grabbed the stool, she grabbed the dirt ball, and she placed it yet again in a bowl of water just like she was instructed. This continued day after day and finally after much water, sun, and care her buddy sprouted!! Excitement ripped through house 'My buddy has hair!' In the next few days his hair continued to grow and multiply far above his windowsill friends. Our youngest did not gloat but celebrated her buddy's new hairdo. The day it first sprouted our second youngest was spurred on by the results of his sisters faithfulness, so he re-soaked his dirt buddy. Again in a few days when his buddy had needed a drink he had completely forgotten to water his buddy as other things had taken his time and attention and he quickly forgot about his responsibility to water, and the promise that was attached to it.
The child who was the best gardener wasn't the oldest or the smartest. She was the youngest. The one who had the most obstacles ahead of her. She was the one who couldn't reach the bowls or the windowsill, but she didn't let that stop her. She found a way to do what she was instructed to do. She was given the same instructions, and saw the same disappointing results day after day but she held onto the promise, not ever striving or giving up! Not ever comparing or complaining but with childlike faith knowing that if she did what she was required and asked to do, the results and promise would surely come to pass! 'Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen. It gives us assurance about things we cannot see.' Hebrews 11:1
Each child started out with what they needed in order to conquer the task. All were equally as excited about what promise laid ahead. But not all were faithful. Sure they all had vision and dreams for their buddies, but one child stopped there. Surely one watered periodically.... but that wasn't what was was required.. Other pleasures took their focus. The one who was faithful received the prize, the promise and the reward.
Continue to water...
Often times in our faith walk we wonder why we aren't seeing fruit. We grow weary, frustrated and may even envy others. Go back to the instructions, and be faithful. Don't compare your walk, success, or spheres of influence with those around you, as each one of us has been given a different promise, attached to a different yet similar set of instructions. Don't water in vain, don't run with a cup of water and soak sporadically when it's convenient. Don't water when you see fruit in others lives...Water out of devotion for the Father. Follow the instructions He's given you...and when you don't see anything, when you're about to give up... keep watering! 'Don't grow weary in well doing, for in due time you will receive the harvest if you faint not.' Galatians 6:9
Be faithful, continue to water....
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