Get Prepared!
I love this. We’ve all heard a sermon before, titled, ‘God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.’ Yes, He sure does, BUT in the mean time if you know you’re called to peach or teach, or if you know you’re called to the business world or wherever, get educated and glean NOW!!! We can live by faith, but are told to GET WISDOM. It says in Proverbs 4:7, ‘Get wisdom for it’s the wisest thing you can do!! Soldiers don’t wait until they’re on the frontline to try to figure out how to load their gun! They prepare NOW for when you go to war. Sons and daughters, what does your heart beat for? What are you called to put your hand to? Find someone who has wisdom, experience and serve them humbly! The bible is laced with scripture on getting wisdom. It’s laced with scriptures on seeking counsel and yet so many ‘Know how to do it.’ Seeking counsel and wisdom from those who have gone before you isn’t so they can stand in your way, it’s so they can help launch and propel you further than they were able to go. Wisdom and counsel allow you to receive nuggets of truth and gold about potential road blocks but also can allow you to receive divine connections!
An unteachable Spirit is really unattractive and is seen a mile away. Surround yourself with those mothers and fathers in the faith who will say the hard things that need to be said, but who will also do whatever they can to help prepare and propel you into all God has for you. #16to40 #glean#getprepared
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