Lean Not On Your Own Understanding
I love, love, love to design! Since the day we bought our first home I have explored!! Whether it be furniture, textures, paint, building, and or learning some new tools or techniques I love to try to make things come to life! This last little while Jamie and I have been working on designing a fun little project and although it’s been tiring, it’s been FUN! We have a great team putting their hands on our designs and are bringing them to life!!! While Jamie’s been working I’ve been living in his truck, hauling lumber, picking up lighting, barn board, tile... you name it... the trucks seen it!! I’ve always said my dream vehicle would be a new truck! But for now I drive Jamie’s when he’s at work!! This season of our journey has been an interesting one! It says in Proverbs ‘A man plans his way but The Lord directs his steps.’ Well this morning I was up at 4am. I couldn’t sleep...I had a ton to do today so after laying in bed until 5am I decided it was go time! First, I grabbed my bible and coffee and asked God to speak to me. I opened a newer bible that hadn’t been packed yet, put it on my lap and randomly opened it before turning to where I was reading... AND this one verse LEPT off the page! ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding!’ This is a verse I know well. learned it at a young, young age. Yesterday, I had shared with our congregation how God speaks to each one of us in and through His word and reveals things to us that we need to hear! His Word is personal, full of wisdom, truth and POWER! Out of the thousands of verses recorded in the bible this timely one spoke to me today, a Rhema Word! It’s what I needed today! God is personal. He knows what we need, when we need it and it causes joy to abound in and through us when He speaks so personally!
Today I’m reminded that I am a surrendered life and that He is directing my path!
💛 How awesome to know He’s in control?! Here’s a sneak peak at some of our project!
1st Picture- Before
2nd Picture - Mid Reno
3rd Picture- His Word!
4th Picture- How I feel when I lean on my own understanding!! #17to40#rhemaword #leannotonyourownunderstanding
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