Let them DREAM!
This week Hunt was home for the American Thanksgiving, so we rallied the troops and had all the children for dinner a few times this week!! I’ll never forget how fun it is to have all our children around the table. We’re a fairly loud family who all find humour in our own stories. There can be multiple conversations going on at the table at the same time and somehow we can follow them all. I love that we can talk so deep about the things of God and yet laugh until we cry! Having everyone home, even if it’s just brief, does a mama’s heart good! We took him back to the airport tonight and as he walked away Syd took a picture of him heading towards the terminal doors with his skateboard in tow. It took me back to days I’ll never forget. I’ll never forget when he was a little boy, only 8 years old and had a heart to pursue ministry and skateboarding. He started a little company BOTT SKATES and sold T-shirts, stickers, and decks....oh good ol’ BOTTSKATES!
💛 He cast the vision to us and we prayed over it and helped him put handles on it.
Sometimes in life we feel we’re too young, too old, too in experienced or feel there are others could do it better than us. In those times surround yourself with those who will champion you and help and encourage you to get where God is leading you to be. Find those who will pray, believe, encourage and say the hard things to you!! Surround yourself with those who will help you put handles on your vision, so it goes from a dream to a reality! If you have children and they have desires, do your best to breath on them WHILE NOT trying to live your dreams out through them!!
There are those who will try to take over your vision, there are those who will try to sabotage it, annnnddd there are those who will feel threatened when you start walking out what you know you’re called to do. Consider the cost, keep the faith. Walk by faith and not by sight and eventually in His timing allllll of these things WILL come to pass! Trust the process, keep the faith and no matter how young or how old you are GO FOR IT!! #5to40
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