Release & Embrace
Well, after 19.5 years I have decided to let go of this beauty. Some blessed soul gave us this beautiful gift at a wedding shower. I was eager to cook roasts and many other things in it. To be honest, I have used it once...maybeee twice, but definately not more than that. Yet, along our journey I have packed and unpacked this pan with high hopes of using it as I had seen my mother do so many times growing up. Reality is when we had moved up north I thought how wonderful it would be to have my family come for Thanksgiving dinner. My mom printed out a TURKEY 101 recipe sheet with step by step instructions which were accompanied by actual step by step pictures. (My mom knows me well!) As we were about to embark on our journey home the weekend before thanksgiving my mom said, ‘I even bought you the proper sized turkey!’ This was perfect as I had no idea weight was a major factor in cooking. After I loaded our two children in the van and started pulling out of the driveway my mother came running down the road after me. I thought what in the world is the problem?!Then I noticed the turkey in her hands. Yep, I had buckled in children and left the turkey laying in the laneway. I will never forget her words and tone, ‘If this is any indication of what Thanksgiving will be like I will just do it.’ I laughed much harder than my mom that day!Sure enough the day I was to be preparing the turkey, I was following my photo guide while forsaking the worded instructions. The pictures left out one MAJOR point, The giblets! Ew! Fast forward; my first turkey dinner was nothing short of a Heather fest saved by my mamma. To this day the only gravy I make is from ‘Bulk Barn’, it tastes the same and you just add water
I’m a good cook but an excellent baker. I love event planning, party food and entertaining. I love theme days but cringe at school projects. Everything in my home needs to be neat and organized in order for me to function. Yet, I can’t keep an agenda, I prefer to have everything chaotically filed in my brain. I strongly dislike taking the children to the park and play dates, but I love organizing outreaches that provide programs for my children and community youth and having coffee with my friends. So in writing today’s encouragement I’m encouraging you to celebrate who you are and what you’re good at, while releasing who you aren’t and what you’re not good at! Today I am embracing purging and releasing pot roast pans. After all why would I compete with one of London’s finest cooks when I can just celebrate her gift and sit at her table!! #27to40 #mamascooking #releaseandembrace
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