Years ago I was in service and felt a heavy burden and desire to be free from gossip. I recalled a conversation my mom and I had had regarding a gentlemen in our church who would physically get up and leave the room if someone started talking about someone else in his presence.
My heart yearned to be like that. I wanted to be the one who was more concerned about being loyal than about getting the latest scoop. I sat in my pew feeling paralyzed with fear. Part of me was longing and desiring to ask him to pray for me, and the other part of me wondered what he would think when I shared with him about my ‘gossip issue.’
Finally I braved it, I went over to this gentleman and asked him to lay hands on me and pray that I’d be delivered from any unhealthy desire to know what wasn’t my business to know, or from gossip.
It says in James 5:16 ‘Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.’
There is POWER in confessing our sins to one another. That night the power of sin was broken in my life regarding gossip. And still to this day I don’t enjoy being around when people are trashing and bashing people. I don’t enjoy hearing someone talk about a friend behind their backs. Why? Because I learned quickly that those who gossip with you, gossip about you. Yeah, I know, let that sink in.
My heart yearned to be like that. I wanted to be the one who was more concerned about being loyal than about getting the latest scoop. I sat in my pew feeling paralyzed with fear. Part of me was longing and desiring to ask him to pray for me, and the other part of me wondered what he would think when I shared with him about my ‘gossip issue.’
Finally I braved it, I went over to this gentleman and asked him to lay hands on me and pray that I’d be delivered from any unhealthy desire to know what wasn’t my business to know, or from gossip.
It says in James 5:16 ‘Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.’
There is POWER in confessing our sins to one another. That night the power of sin was broken in my life regarding gossip. And still to this day I don’t enjoy being around when people are trashing and bashing people. I don’t enjoy hearing someone talk about a friend behind their backs. Why? Because I learned quickly that those who gossip with you, gossip about you. Yeah, I know, let that sink in.
I’m not saying I’m perfect and I haven’t slipped, but I am saying when I do, I’m so thankful that the kindness of God leads me to repentance.
I want to be loyal.
I want to be a faithful friend.
I don’t want to be the bearer of other people’s news.
I want to be a defender of my friends.
I want to celebrate and cheer in others successes not laugh and revel in their faults.
I want to be a faithful friend.
I don’t want to be the bearer of other people’s news.
I want to be a defender of my friends.
I want to celebrate and cheer in others successes not laugh and revel in their faults.
I want to thank Brooke Helen Lori Gower Pat Win for creating one of the BEST environments I’ve ever worked in. We shared so many funny stories, all while celebrating our teams diversity and strengths. It’s a RARE find to have such a healthy team of women more concerned about spreading sunshine than stories! Miss you

And thank youRod N Connie Brayy for laying hands on this blubbering mama that day, He who the Son sets free is free indeed!

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