Saturday, September 20, 2008

"Girls Nite OUT!"

Something about hearing "Girls Nite Out" gets women excited. It's a night to be around friends, food, conversation, love and laughs!  It's like a breath of fresh air, a comforting sigh, or like a warm cup of tea. You can dress up, you can dress down. You can curl your hair, you can throw it up in a pony, you can wear make up, you can come "unpainted" but all in all no one cares about how you came, just as long as you're here! 

I have a real heart for why not have a "GIRLS NITE OUT" .  A night to gather old and new friends and really get connected with one another.  The preparing was the fun you don't have to go all out when having friends over, after all friends aren't interested in the presentation but in YOU! But there are times you like to go the extra step! Sydney helped with some of the prep work. We had a dish full of red and pink candy selections from the bulk barn, and two beautiful bouquets of red and pink roses.  I have a book of amazing quotes, and whenever I hear a new one I write it down in this book. A lot of these quotes, are challenging and motivating. We took some recipe cards and wrote some of these inspiring verses on them, and posted them along the bathroom mirror, on the fridge and other places around the room. If there was a quote or verse that ministered to you or was speaking to you, you were to take it home with you.  (I got this idea from a friend, but the girls loved it!)
I thought I'd post some of those quotes on my blog today. Some might not speak to you at all and others might be just the thing you need! So have fun, if you couldn't make it to girls NITE....make yourself a cup of Hot Tea, cozy up on the couch and read away!

Wiping a child's face is like shining a diamond...

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Provebs 4:23

The King is enthralled by YOUR beauty! Ps 45:11

Direction is more important than speed......

We can teach what we know, but we can only reproduce who we are. Ronald Reagan

God made woman in His image:  Glorious, Captivating, Powerful....

The more we depend on God, the more dependable we find He is....

Find out what you want your children to be...then become that person. Michael Pearl

Our children are our most precious resource. As responsible adults we must create homes in which the future generation can grow and flourish.  ~Criswell Freeman~

"A woman is like a teabag. It's only when she's in hot water that you realize how strong she is. Nancy Reagan

Nothing and no one can take YOU out of the will of God but YOU!

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission." Eleanor Roosevelt

Don't be more concerned about your goals than your offspring.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Prov 31:30

Be Fun to live with....

As for the rest of the night, it was a good time! If you don't have the "UNGAME" I would highly recommend it! (with a box of kleenex of course) What a way to unite and to get to know one another. The spread of food the gals brought was endless. The conversation was challenging, comforting and full of many good laughs!