Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I went because God revealed to me that I should GO...

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This morning while curling up with the Word in my comfy blue chair I flipped to the book of Galatians. Over the past little while I've been reading and reading this portion of scripture. Today as I was reading, Galatians 2:2(a) jumped off the page and resignated with my spirit. This past weekend we had the opportunity to minister at a friends church and  to share the vision of House of Hope. As I was sharing I felt prompted to share this:
I had never had a desire to travel, other than hitting the hottest beach down south.
I had never considered personally doing mission work.
I had never been give a prophetic word in regards to being a missionary.
But when Jamie was in Rwanda for  his third time,  I was expecting our 5th child, and was painting . As I was painting all of a sudden I felt in my spirit that  the next time Jamie went back to Rwanda, I would be going. I remember weeping....
So today when I read Galatians 2:2 where Paul says 'I went there because God revealed to me that I should go.' It jumped off the page. I'm so thankful I followed the unction of the Spirit. We need to be open to His leading.  He led me to Rwanda, not because it was initially my desire, but because it was His. Through that uncomfortable act of obedience, God has birthed dreams and desires inside of me that are beyond my wildest dreams.

After six years of traveling to this precious country... In less than three weeks we will be heading back to Rwanda and purchasing land to build a home; House of Hope. A home for a small group of children who don't have one. The amazing part is that we haven't done this alone, we have done it by the leading of the Spirit and by the partnership of so many friends and family.

His vision becomes our mission.....
I encourage you to pay attention to those unctions and nudges from the Spirit and let the words of Paul resignate in your spirit :
'I went there because God revealed to me that I should go.'

For more info on House of Hope go to:
www.thesanctuarylondon.com you'll see a House of Hope tab.

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