Monday, November 27, 2017

Methods Fail God Doesn't

When we first started in our parenting journey our children always went to the local school in our neighbourhood. We loved volunteering in the class room, going on field trips and getting to know the families in our community. About 7 years into our children’s school journey we faced some issues that weren’t being resolved which forced us to look into other schooling options. The only option we had peace about was homeschool. Seriously, Homeschool?!?! Isn’t that for the crazies? Call me crazy, we homeschooled for 8 years. Jamie was traveling quite a bit during this season which allowed the children to go along for many adventures and experience some incredible things. It allowed us to focus on key values and develop a family culture that was necessary. We met and connected with some incredible families whom I am forever thankful and encouraged by. While homeschooling I often heard people say ‘Homeschoolers shelter their children.’ To be honest, there’s a HUGE difference in being sheltered and being protected. Being sheltered is having no clue what goes on in the outside world. Being protected means getting to experience life with boundaries. The children went to Africa, the Arctic, the islands, many places in the US and so many children’s camps and conferences. They played on sports teams, worked at the food bank and worked on the streets with the homeless. They definitely were not sheltered!
Currently the last batch of our children are in an incredible Christian school. We love it! We love the families, the culture and that the curriculum is rooted in the truth of God’s word.
I’ve heard many debates over the years about Christian School vs. Public School vs. Homeschool. Each has benefits and each presents its challenges.
To tell you the truth each one was incredible in some way for our family. Each family is designed differently, and each one is forging out the path they feel is best. When we homeschooled I remember thinking this was the only sure way to produce a strong Christian child. I believed homeschool was the answer. So when we hit a bump along the way with one of our children I couldn’t wrap my head around how this could happen. I remember sitting with friends being completely shaken. We homeschool, how could this happen? What failed me is that I put my hope in a method not in Christ. I thought if I followed a specific formula it would produce a specific product. There is truth in this to some degree, but it’s not a 100% guarantee.
See, trouble comes when we put our faith in our method over our God. This can happen to many areas of our lives, including; marriages, parenting, stay at home mom, working mom, etc. I believe there are definite keys and principals that set us up for success but if the foundation is rooted in fear coupled with a method it will be tested. So I encourage you as I am encouraging myself to realign specific areas of your life ensuring your Hope, Trust and foundation is in Christ first.
Psalm 84:12 LORD Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you.
#29to40 #methodsfailGoddoesnt

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