Monday, November 27, 2017

Raise Sons and Daughters, Not Clones

We hosted a leader’s retreat for our team this weekend and I honed in on this, this morning! We’re all unique and have been wired with different skill sets and strengths, embrace them! When you’re leading, befriending or mentoring, learn to find out what makes those in your presence or sphere of influence unique, special and different and encourage them to embrace and run with it! Yes, we know we are created in the likeness of God, we all carry different traits, passions and skills sets and have them in different measures and use them in different ways. Don’t try to force people to become a carbon copy of you! We need to raise true sons and daughters not clones. He needs the uniqueness of what’s inside of them to come out, to add more flavour to our teams! Our desire isn’t to make them more like us, it’s to make them more like Christ! #13to40 #raisesonsanddaughtersnotclones

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