Thursday, February 17, 2011

New to YOU Clothesline!

Here we are in yet another cold Canadian winter! The snow this year has been incredible! There's been no need for making snow forts as it seems they just appear on your front lawn. Feet and feet of snow! Each year for the past few years, we've hit the streets in London and run a coat drive. We've gathered coats, boots, hats, mitts etc. and those who have a heart for the homeless, and the addicts. We've had an incredible team each year whose desire isn't to brag on what they've done, but those who have the heart of the Father filled with compassion desiring nothing more than to share a hot breakfast, coffee and the message of Christ with those they'd come in contact with that day.

This year, we felt to do something different. For the past month we've been gathering clothing from friends, family, neighbours, co-workers etc, and are running a 'Free Used Clothing Store' in our building. We had a pile of bags donated. Last night while we were sorting, I'm not kidding when I say the clothing is multiplying. The bags that came in, compared to the clothing that's hung is NOT comparable. The room is literally filled with all kinds of goodness! Incredible finds and name brands, some clothing with tags still attached. The people who gave, didn't give their rags! Truly the spirit of giving and unity is in the house. Those donating from other churches and local businesses. Volunteers coming from near and far to help bless the community He's entrusted us with. Here's a preview of the 'Clothesline' in it's beginning stages! Pray that lives will be touched and forever changed as they come through our doors of The Sanctuary. We're praying for MUCH opportunity to share the life changing gospel Jesus Christ with who come through our doors this Saturday!
Our helpers came big and small. This is just the start of the children's shoes, I think we have close to 100 pairs.

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